TAF'12 Tampere Art Factory 7- 27.5

Tampereen ammattikorkeakoulun kulttuurialan jokakeväinen tapahtuma Tampere Art Factory, TAF,  esittelee tänä vuonna TAMKin kulttuurialan osaamista koko toukokuun ajan 11.-26. toukokuuta. TAFia edeltää Kansainvälinen viikko, joka tuo Finlaysonin kampukselle yli 50 vierasta yhteistyökouluistamme ympäri maailmaa.

TAF’12 on sarja näyttelyitä, näytöksiä ja tapahtumia, joissa Finlaysonin alueella toimivat koulutusohjelmat esittelevät opiskelijoiden töitä. Esille tulee muun muassa elokuvia, kuvataidetta, valokuvaa, pelidemoja, animaatioita, interaktiivisia installaatioita sekä valo- ja äänitaidetta.
Kuvataiteen, Elokuvan ja television sekä englanninkielisen Median koulutusohjelman noin 450 opiskelijaa toteuttavat joka vuosi reilusti yli sata projektia, joten TAF yllättää jälleen monipuolisuudellaan!

Kuvataiteen koulutusohjelman lopputyönäyttely ERO ottaa varaslähdön TAF-tapahtumaan, sillä Taidekeskus Mältinrantaan rakentuva osa näyttelyä viettää avajaisia jo perjantaina 4. toukokuuta. Taidehalli TR 1:n näyttelyn avajaiset ovat perjantaina 11.5.

Elokuvan ja television koulutusohjelman lopputyönäytös on torstaina 24.5. klo 17.30 Elokuvateatteri Plevnassa.

Median koulutusohjelman opiskelijoiden visuaalisen suunnittelun töitä, animaatioita ja interaktiivisia projekteja sekä pelejä on koulun tiloissa.
TAFin aikana esittelyssä olevista projekteista löytyy myös pian täältä blogista!

TAF'12 -viikkojen aikana opiskelijat tekevät lukuisia tapahtumia - tässä niistä muutamia.. Lisätietoja päivittyy linkin taakse lähipäivinä!

pe 11.5. TAF'12 -avajaisbileet Laternassa klo 20-03 
la 12.5. Museoiden yö - ohjelmaa busseissa
la 12.5. Klubilla "Kevättä housuissa"  -bileet
pe-la 18.-19.5. Finnish International Impro Festival
la 26.5. Chillta Tallipihalla

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Lecturers are Hugo Engwerda (graphic designer, connoisseur and fan of 'golden era hip hop') and Janpier Brands (pop culture entrepreneur, raised in the 'post-punk era'). They both work as teachers at the Academy of Pop Culture in Leeuwarden, the Netherlands 

About the workshop:

"This training will be learning by doing. The goal of the training is to make new Pop artifacts, by playing a game. There are three elements in the game: one is your point of view, the second is a set of self written rules, and the third is a personal success factor. And of course there are the elements 'time' and 'space'.

On tuesday we will play the game, on monday we have two lectures: the first on 'the six points of views in Popular Culture', and the second on 'Conditional Design'. The two lectures will be the theoretical underlayment of the game that we'll play on tuesday.

The trainers in this game are Hugo Engwerda (graphic designer, connoisseur and fan of 'golden era hip hop') and Janpier Brands (pop culture entrepreneur, raised in the 'post-punk era'). They both work as teachers at the Academy of Pop Culture in Leeuwarden, the Netherlands" 
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In this workshop you will join WERC, Joachim, Jelle, and Olav, in the creation of a sculpture/structure that will be brought to live at the ending party of International Week, via projection mapping.

During the week we will create a concept for the augmented sculpture. Building a physical Object/sculpture/structure and experimenting with digital content. Visuals can be made trough different means of media. Like video, animation, programming or other (interactive) ways. Whatever gets and image. We will use projectors, in combination with light, Sensors, mic’s etc. This all brought together to create an experience that no audience has ever seen!
During the night you will be one of the vj’s, creating and mixing your own video content live, based on the sculpture and the way the dj steers the party. All to enrich the music and the party experience!

In the days prior to the show, we will take you true the basis of mapping, were it comes from, and what main ideas are behind it.
- Lecture about augmented sculptures.
- Concept for the augmented sculpture, what will be added?
- Showing vj programs modul8, resolume, madmapper, quartz composer.
- Doing tests on sculptures with video, mixing live,
- Creating prefab movies based on video maps.
- maybe some Interactive part

Good to know:

It’s a lot of work! Everybody must get ready for a full day of building at the party location, getting the sculpture ready, projectors into position, and getting your content ready before opening doors. Then we will start to work.

It takes some software knowledge. You have to be able to find you way around in an computer. Maybe some stuff like After Effects, video editing, Illustrator/Photoshop, and maybe even Ableton live..
Also if you have a Mac yourself. Bring it!
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Aigars Ceplitis is the head of Postgraduate programme in Audiovisual Media Arts at RISEBA (Riga International School of Economics and Business Administration) in Riga, Latvia About the workshop: "The chief focus of narratology has traditionally been on literature studies, and only in the last two decades could one argue the scope of the theory and study of narrative structures has more rigorously extended itself to film, computer games, cross and new media. The habitual conduit, thus, has been on deconstructing various narrative effects in a medium, such as film: in other words, from the effect to theory. Can we reverse the traditional pipeline- now, from a theory to its effect: instead of decoding a particular structure, we offer an array of narrative methods by which the cinematic language a narrative film can attain becomes more powerful than more traditional screenwriting techniques could ever achieve. A 1 hour lecture will begin the workshop which will be continued by practical part where the filmmaking students will be expected to rewrite a portion of their completed screenplays or work in progress according to the narratological blueprints at hand."
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Joey van der Bie and Danica Mast are both teachers at the program Communication & Multimedia Design at the Hague University of Applied Sciences.
They teach courses about interactive multimedia installations, programming and visual interface design.
Both Joey and Danica create interactive installations next to teaching.
One project of Danica, Globe4D, can be found all over the world in various musea. http://www.globe4d.com
Joey is known from the urban foraging app Boskoi, which was nominated for the price ARS Electronica 2011. More of his projects can be found on http://joey.vanderbie.net

About the workshop:
"During the Arduino workshop, you learn how to make an interactive electronic physical prototype which responds to user actions.
Using 'simple' hardware as the Arduino, led's and light-sensors you explore what knowledge is needed to start working in the physical world.
If you want, you can bring your own Arduino, hardware and laptop, but this is not required."
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