Aigars Ceplitis is the head of Postgraduate programme in Audiovisual Media Arts at RISEBA (Riga International School of Economics and Business Administration) in Riga, Latvia About the workshop: "The chief focus of narratology has traditionally been on literature studies, and only in the last two decades could one argue the scope of the theory and study of narrative structures has more rigorously extended itself to film, computer games, cross and new media. The habitual conduit, thus, has been on deconstructing various narrative effects in a medium, such as film: in other words, from the effect to theory. Can we reverse the traditional pipeline- now, from a theory to its effect: instead of decoding a particular structure, we offer an array of narrative methods by which the cinematic language a narrative film can attain becomes more powerful than more traditional screenwriting techniques could ever achieve. A 1 hour lecture will begin the workshop which will be continued by practical part where the filmmaking students will be expected to rewrite a portion of their completed screenplays or work in progress according to the narratological blueprints at hand."
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