TAF'12 Tampere Art Factory 7- 27.5

The Tampere Art Factory festival will have a break this year, but the sixth International Week will take place April 23-26.

Read more:
International Week 2013 on Facebook
The International Week on the Art&Media blog

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Torstaina 24. toukokuuta vietetään TTVO ja liikkuvat kuvat- päivää. Tapahtuman kattaus koostuu täysin TAMK:ssa tuotetusta audiovisuaalisesta materiaalista ja tarjoaa kattavan valikoiman elävää kuvaa draamasta komediaan, musiikivideoista tanssielokuviin.
Niagarassa 12:30 esitettävässä näytöksessä on nähtävillä mm. musiikkivideoita ja ensimmäisen vuosikurssin oppilaiden ensimmäiset itsenäisesti tuotetut lyhytelokuvapläjäykset. Plevnassa 17:30 alkava näytös on pyhitetty nelosvuosikurssilaisten lopputyöelokuville.
Tapahtumaa ei ole rajattu koulun oppilaille, vaan jokainen kynnelle kykenevä on tervetullut. Tule nauttimaan elokuvista, ja katsomaan mihin verorahasi on upotettu. Lipun hinta on opiskelijaystävälliset nolla euroa.


Teksti: Leevi Ikonen 
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Toronto, Seoul and Tampere wish You welcome,
1 <3 -exhibition
At Finlayson area
The exhibition 1 features work by students from the OCAD University, the Chung-Ang University, and the Tampere University of Applied Sciences. 1 is produced by International Art Collaborations (INTAC), an initiative dedicated to developing student relations between art schools worldwide through experimental collaborations. The exhibition opens later on as part of the Scotiabank Contact Photography Festival, Toronto.
The title of the exhibition can be read either as "1 is less than 3," or "I Love." Inverted, the equation reads "3 is greater than 1," which is the aim of this collaboration across institutions.

Projects and artists:
Raymond Salaber


Jaana Ristola ja Pat Nav


Katti Hellman, Eduardo Gutiérrez, Kiara Robinson ja Luíç Caixote


Anna Knappe ja Melissa Clark

Elsa Trzaska ja Raymond Salaber


Ahn Nayoung, Shanon Fujioka, Joanna Glezakos, Hwang Min Soo, Kim Smin, Mikael Kinanen, Tuomas Koskialho, Kwon Soo Hyun ja Maeng Nahyun


Patricia Lawson ja Essi Laurila


Joanna Glezakos, Mikael Kinanen ja Anne Lehtelä 

DOC.INTAC: four document flip books about miscommunication

Ismo Torvinen
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TAF'12 näyttelytarjonta on lisääntynyt! More exhibitions in TAF'12! (in English below)


Osana TAF12-tapahtumaa on TAMK Finlaysonin kampuksen 3. kerroksen maalaussaleissa esillä valokuvataidenäyttely. Näyttelyn taideteokset ovat syntyneet kevään 2012 kahden valokuvataidekurssin aikana. Melko tuoretta tavaraa siis tarjolla!

Kurssien aikana opiskelijat tekivät kuvallisia tutkimuksia. Ensimmäiseen välikritiikkiin hetoivat kuvaesimerkkejä ja lyhyen tutkimusselvityksen, jossa he esittivät kysymyksen / ongelman / viestin heitä kiinnostavasta aiheesta. Kanssa opiskelijoiden ja opettajien välillä käydyn avoimen keskustelun seurauksenakukin opiskelija jatkoi kuvallisia tutkimuksiaan.  Tavoite oli rakentaa pienimuotoinen teoskonsepti.

Opiskelijat näyttelyssä:

Ikuko Ishida, Juha Janttonen, J.A. Juvani, Ilona Lehtonen, Inga Lukankovaite, Veera Luoto, Laura Mykkänen, Elisabeth Mörz, Niko Nurmi, Verna Tervaharju, Elsa Trzaska, , Jone Vildziunaite, Lina Vysniauskaite, Inga Weber, Elina Ylhäisi.

Opettajat valokuvataidekursseilla:
TT Juha Suonpää ja Antti Haapio


In TAF12 There is photo art exhibition in paintings halls of Finlayson campus 3. floor. Art Works are from courses Fine Art Photography I and II in spring semester 2012. So very fresh stuff!

In these photo art courses students made exercise called visual study. For first middle critique they bring some picture examples and short statement where is question / problem / message they areinterested. After open discuss in few middle critiques with all students and two teachers students continue developing their outlines.

Students in the exhibition:

Ikuko Ishida, Juha Janttonen, J.A. Juvani, Ilona Lehtonen, Inga Lukankovaite, Veera Luoto, Laura Mykkänen, Elisabeth Mörz, Niko Nurmi, Verna Tervaharju, Elsa Trzaska, , Jone Vildziunaite, Lina Vysniauskaite, Inga Weber, Elina Ylhäisi.

Teachers in courses:

Dr. Juha Suonpää and Antti Haapio

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Tampere Art Factory - TAF'12 - TAMKin Kulttuurialan opiskelijoiden jokakeväinen tapahtuma, sarja näyttelyitä, näytöksiä ja tapahtumia, käynnistyi eilen. TAFin ensimmäisellä viikolla pääosassa ovat kansainväliset vieraat, joita saapuu Finlaysonille yhteensä n. 40 opettajaa ja 20 opiskelijaa, eilen maanantaina käynnistyi osa työpajoista.
Tutustu kansainvälisen viikon ohjelmaan ja vieraisiin täällä!

TAFin avajaisia pidetään perjantaina 11.5., jolloin avautuu Kuvataiteen koulutusohjelmasta valmistuvien lopputyönäyttely ERO sekä muita TAF-näyttelyitä. Varaslähtö tapahtui jo viime perjantaina, jolloin Mältinrannassa vietettiin avajaisia - kts. edellinen blogiteksti!
Tietoa näyttelyistä löytyy täältä!

Perjantaina 11.5. alkaa myös tapahtumien sarja: tiedossa bileitä, musiikkitapahtumia, klubi-iltoja. Ensimmäisinä ovat peräti kahdet "viralliset" TTVO:n keväthipat, perjantaina 11.5. TAFTASTIC Laternassa ja lauantaina 12.5. "Kevättä housuissa" Klubilla. Lauantaina opiskelijat ovat mukana myös Museoiden yössä!
Tietoa tapahtumista ja linkkejä täältä, uusia tietoja päivitetään!

Elokuvia, animaatioita ja televisio-ohjelmien pilotteja pääsee katsomaan torstaina 24.5., jolloin Niagarassa on klo 13-16 opiskelijatöiden näytöksiä. Samana päivänä, 24.5.. on myös lopputyönäytös Plevnassa klo 17.30.
Näytöksien ohjelmat lähipäivien aikana täältä!

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Tampere Art Factory International Week starts today with 60 international teachers, enterprise representatives and students.

The where&whenabouts of the 11 workshops (most of them starting on Tuesday) are here:

The teachers and contents of all workshops you find at:

The facts about seminars and the show of workshop results here:

Information about the International Week here:

A fantastic week ahead!

TAF työpajat ja seminaarit - mitä, missä, milloin?

Tampere Art Factoryn kansainvälinen viikko alkaa tänään, vieraaksemme saapuu 60 kansainvälistä opettajaa, yrityksen edustajaa ja opiskelijaa.

Yhdentoista työpajan (useimmat alkavat tiistaina) ajat ja paikat löytyvät täältä:

Työpajojen opettajien ja sisältöjen esittelyt löytyvät:

Tiedot seminaareista ja työpajojen loppunäytöksestä:

Kansainvälisen viikon esittely:

Upea viikko alkamassa!
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The first part of the ERO exhibition - the graduate show of our Fine Art students - made a head start to Tampere Art Factory on Friday.

Kuvataiteen lopputyönäyttelyn ERO ensimmäinen osa avattiin perjantaina ja otti näin varaslähdön Tampere Art Factoryyn.

See the picture report from the versissage on our Art&Media Blog
Lue valokuvaraportti avajaisista TTVOn blogista

Joy, roses, hugs, art /Iloa,ruusuja, halauksia, taidetta

The exhibition of graduating Fine Art students of Tampere UAS TAMK 2012
Art Centre Mältinranta May 5 - 22, 2012
Kuninkaankatu 2
Open Mon-Thu 12AM to 6PM, Fri-Sun 12AM to 4PM
Free Admission
TR1 Kunsthalle May 12 - June 3, 2012
Väinö Linnan aukio 13, Finlayson
Open Tue-Fri 9AM to 5PM, SAT-SUN 11AM to 6PM
Tickets 5/1€, on Fridays free admission

From Matti Samplas' work / Matti Sampelan teoksesta
Another Day at the Office

Tampereen ammattikorkeakoulun kuvataiteen lopputyönäyttely
Taidekeskus Mältinranta 5.-22.5.2012
Kuninkaankatu 2
Avoinna ma-to klo 12-18, pe-su klo 12-16
Vapaa pääsy
TR1 Taidehalli 12.5.-3.6.2012
Väinö Linnan aukio 13, Finlayson
Avoinna ti-pe klo 9-17, la-su klo 11-18
Pääsyliput 5/1€, perjantaisin vapaa pääsy
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Tampereen ammattikorkeakoulun kulttuurialan jokakeväinen tapahtuma Tampere Art Factory, TAF,  esittelee tänä vuonna TAMKin kulttuurialan osaamista koko toukokuun ajan 11.-26. toukokuuta. TAFia edeltää Kansainvälinen viikko, joka tuo Finlaysonin kampukselle yli 50 vierasta yhteistyökouluistamme ympäri maailmaa.

TAF’12 on sarja näyttelyitä, näytöksiä ja tapahtumia, joissa Finlaysonin alueella toimivat koulutusohjelmat esittelevät opiskelijoiden töitä. Esille tulee muun muassa elokuvia, kuvataidetta, valokuvaa, pelidemoja, animaatioita, interaktiivisia installaatioita sekä valo- ja äänitaidetta.
Kuvataiteen, Elokuvan ja television sekä englanninkielisen Median koulutusohjelman noin 450 opiskelijaa toteuttavat joka vuosi reilusti yli sata projektia, joten TAF yllättää jälleen monipuolisuudellaan!

Kuvataiteen koulutusohjelman lopputyönäyttely ERO ottaa varaslähdön TAF-tapahtumaan, sillä Taidekeskus Mältinrantaan rakentuva osa näyttelyä viettää avajaisia jo perjantaina 4. toukokuuta. Taidehalli TR 1:n näyttelyn avajaiset ovat perjantaina 11.5.

Elokuvan ja television koulutusohjelman lopputyönäytös on torstaina 24.5. klo 17.30 Elokuvateatteri Plevnassa.

Median koulutusohjelman opiskelijoiden visuaalisen suunnittelun töitä, animaatioita ja interaktiivisia projekteja sekä pelejä on koulun tiloissa.
TAFin aikana esittelyssä olevista projekteista löytyy myös pian täältä blogista!

TAF'12 -viikkojen aikana opiskelijat tekevät lukuisia tapahtumia - tässä niistä muutamia.. Lisätietoja päivittyy linkin taakse lähipäivinä!

pe 11.5. TAF'12 -avajaisbileet Laternassa klo 20-03 
la 12.5. Museoiden yö - ohjelmaa busseissa
la 12.5. Klubilla "Kevättä housuissa"  -bileet
pe-la 18.-19.5. Finnish International Impro Festival
la 26.5. Chillta Tallipihalla

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Lecturers are Hugo Engwerda (graphic designer, connoisseur and fan of 'golden era hip hop') and Janpier Brands (pop culture entrepreneur, raised in the 'post-punk era'). They both work as teachers at the Academy of Pop Culture in Leeuwarden, the Netherlands 

About the workshop:

"This training will be learning by doing. The goal of the training is to make new Pop artifacts, by playing a game. There are three elements in the game: one is your point of view, the second is a set of self written rules, and the third is a personal success factor. And of course there are the elements 'time' and 'space'.

On tuesday we will play the game, on monday we have two lectures: the first on 'the six points of views in Popular Culture', and the second on 'Conditional Design'. The two lectures will be the theoretical underlayment of the game that we'll play on tuesday.

The trainers in this game are Hugo Engwerda (graphic designer, connoisseur and fan of 'golden era hip hop') and Janpier Brands (pop culture entrepreneur, raised in the 'post-punk era'). They both work as teachers at the Academy of Pop Culture in Leeuwarden, the Netherlands" 
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In this workshop you will join WERC, Joachim, Jelle, and Olav, in the creation of a sculpture/structure that will be brought to live at the ending party of International Week, via projection mapping.

During the week we will create a concept for the augmented sculpture. Building a physical Object/sculpture/structure and experimenting with digital content. Visuals can be made trough different means of media. Like video, animation, programming or other (interactive) ways. Whatever gets and image. We will use projectors, in combination with light, Sensors, mic’s etc. This all brought together to create an experience that no audience has ever seen!
During the night you will be one of the vj’s, creating and mixing your own video content live, based on the sculpture and the way the dj steers the party. All to enrich the music and the party experience!

In the days prior to the show, we will take you true the basis of mapping, were it comes from, and what main ideas are behind it.
- Lecture about augmented sculptures.
- Concept for the augmented sculpture, what will be added?
- Showing vj programs modul8, resolume, madmapper, quartz composer.
- Doing tests on sculptures with video, mixing live,
- Creating prefab movies based on video maps.
- maybe some Interactive part

Good to know:

It’s a lot of work! Everybody must get ready for a full day of building at the party location, getting the sculpture ready, projectors into position, and getting your content ready before opening doors. Then we will start to work.

It takes some software knowledge. You have to be able to find you way around in an computer. Maybe some stuff like After Effects, video editing, Illustrator/Photoshop, and maybe even Ableton live..
Also if you have a Mac yourself. Bring it!
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Aigars Ceplitis is the head of Postgraduate programme in Audiovisual Media Arts at RISEBA (Riga International School of Economics and Business Administration) in Riga, Latvia About the workshop: "The chief focus of narratology has traditionally been on literature studies, and only in the last two decades could one argue the scope of the theory and study of narrative structures has more rigorously extended itself to film, computer games, cross and new media. The habitual conduit, thus, has been on deconstructing various narrative effects in a medium, such as film: in other words, from the effect to theory. Can we reverse the traditional pipeline- now, from a theory to its effect: instead of decoding a particular structure, we offer an array of narrative methods by which the cinematic language a narrative film can attain becomes more powerful than more traditional screenwriting techniques could ever achieve. A 1 hour lecture will begin the workshop which will be continued by practical part where the filmmaking students will be expected to rewrite a portion of their completed screenplays or work in progress according to the narratological blueprints at hand."
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Joey van der Bie and Danica Mast are both teachers at the program Communication & Multimedia Design at the Hague University of Applied Sciences.
They teach courses about interactive multimedia installations, programming and visual interface design.
Both Joey and Danica create interactive installations next to teaching.
One project of Danica, Globe4D, can be found all over the world in various musea. http://www.globe4d.com
Joey is known from the urban foraging app Boskoi, which was nominated for the price ARS Electronica 2011. More of his projects can be found on http://joey.vanderbie.net

About the workshop:
"During the Arduino workshop, you learn how to make an interactive electronic physical prototype which responds to user actions.
Using 'simple' hardware as the Arduino, led's and light-sensors you explore what knowledge is needed to start working in the physical world.
If you want, you can bring your own Arduino, hardware and laptop, but this is not required."
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Max Neupert about himself and his workshop:

"I have studied in Halle and Montréal with Professors Ute Hörner and Luc Courchesne
2006 I graduated with a Diploma in Media Arts at the Academy of Fine Art and Design Burg Giebichenstein in Halle, Germany.
Since 2005 I have taught workshops at various locations.
Since 2008 I am teaching at the Bauhaus-University in Weimar at the chair of Prof. Ursula Damm.

My research fields are:
1. Audiovisual sampling and cut-up/glitch techniques
2. The orbital perspective and satellite astrology

About the workshop:
The third dimension of the moving image is time. Manipulation of the timeline means taking control over the creative potential of this dimension. Editing film or video transforms footage into a movie, thus film and video aren't necessarily linear, but stay static in their determined timeline. Video made analog real-time effects popular but only todays graphics processors in computers make it possible to fully explore the real-time potential of digital image and sound.

In the course we will investigate some recent developments in performative audiovisual artworks and develop the necessary technical and conceptual skills to create instruments, performances and installations.
Tools used are Pure Data, GEM and glsl."
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Tjepke Zijlstra (1968, The Netherlands) is a director for film, theatre and music. After his graduation in 1992 as an Audiovisual Designer he started as a director and editor working on several movies, documentaries and television programs. In 1994 he launched his own company in which he combined freelance commercial assignments with more artistic work. His ideas and edgy work seemed especially interesting for new formats and high-end movies. Combining contemporary ideas with new technology led to new ways of telling and visualizing narratives. His main interest and subjects for films has always been youth and adolescence. Around 2000 he was asked to develop and design some major productions. He won a major price for best youth program in 2002 and another nominee in 2004 but he lost his interest in television programs and directed several applied and recruiting youth films. In 2003 he was asked to develop a media course at Utrecht School of the Arts. Since that year he’s course leader and senior lecturer Digital Video Design. An invitation of the School of Theatre to realize a film with young upcoming actors led to Luim Film. Luim Film comprises a group of experienced and enthusiastic directors, photographers, designers, stylists, sound designers and editors, who, in addition to their other, more commercial jobs, continually strive to extend their artistic boundaries and meet new challenges. Under supervision of Tjepke Zijlstra they develop new ways of telling and visualising stories by marrying contemporary ideas and concepts with a variety of disciplines and new technology.

Yvonne Brouwers (1988, The Netherlands) is a student at the Utrecht School of the Arts and specializes in short mixed media productions. After high school she went to art school, studying to become an art teacher. Feeling too limited by the more classical forms of art, she changed schools to explore different kinds of media. The main focus of her work is combining analogue and digital techniques without being tied to one medium. She is interested in the fine line between autonomous works and applied design, visual experiments and the combination of audiovisual work with illustration, painting, sculpture and performance.

Thom Smeets (1987, The Netherlands) likes to think he was born with a natural curiousity about everything. A young dreamer, enjoyed drawing at an early age. In his early teens he picked up a guitar and formed a punkband. In that same period he discovered the powers of digital tools like Photoshop and Flash. Around the age of 18 he combined his love for music and graphics and became a freelance VJ and After Effects-geek. Then he decided that a proper education wouldn’t harm his future self. So he applied to the study “Digital Media Design” in 2009, hoping to add interactivity to his passions and workfield. Now, three years later, he runs Che Che Check, a small business specializing in interactive -art, -marketing and design, alongside his study at School of Arts, Utrecht. Thom is always looking to broaden his passions with innovations in music, art, science and all crossreferences in between.

In this two and a half day covering workshop we’ll explore the horizon of creative makership that stretches from narrative film up to interactive installations. What message do you want to communicate to what kind of audience? And how would you extrapolate a form-choice out of these answers, to design a coherent creative end product? With this gathered knowledge, participants will create a visual proof-of-concept.
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This is the second workshop offered by James Field (more info)

This 2 day workshop presents the opportunity for participants to design, prototype and create a media-driven, interactive, web application for the desktop and mobile platforms.

Participants will bring with them knowledge of HTML & CSS and will discover the advantages of the proposed new HTML5 specification as well as how to use some of the maturing JavaScript API's to add rich interaction to web-based projects.

Particular attention will be focused on exploring the use of imagery, video, audio and geolocation in the context of creating a cross-platform web application.

The idea of the workshop is to expose the capabilities of new technologies to media-driven minds in an engaging and, hopefully, fun way!
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James is a senior lecturer within the School of Media at the University of Lincoln, providing teaching and support in the areas of media production, interaction, web and game design. Previous experiences in education also include 7 years working with the Hull School of Art & Design as well as a number of tutor-led short courses in specialised creative software.

His current research areas include the use of mobile phones as gateways to social networks and games which was the primary focus of his MA in Interactive Media but is now something of a passion. He is also heavily involved with emerging web technologies and multiuser mobile/PC web applications.

James has experience as a freelance designer and multimedia developer. His portfolio includes e-learning projects for Universities and web design projects for the public sector as well as more creative media-based projects.

24-hours.in is an interactive documentary that tells the story of a handful of locations across the world via short, High Definition, video sequences captured by everyday people on their smartphones.

As this project started at TAF it seems fitting to explore its progress and achievements while presenting participants with an opportunity to contribute to this exciting and expanding project.

This 4-hour workshop will be split between a presentation of the project (including plans for the future), an opportunity to capture and contribute new material, and a demonstration/workshop on usability design by participating in a user testing exercise - the results of which will help shape the future of the project
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Cyrille Bloemers (1978, The Netherlands) has a Master of Arts degree in Art and Culture Studies and works as a lecturer and researcher at the Utrecht School of the Arts' Faculty of Art, Media & Technology. File under: Subversion, (Experimental) Film, Lowbrow, Installation Art, Creative Design Practices, Theory, Concept, Video Art, Music Video, Sampling, (Applied) Narrative Design, Activism....

Johan Rijpma (1984, The Netherlands) obtained his Master of Arts degree at the Utrecht School of the Arts (Faculty of Art, Media & Technology). His films, animations, music video's and other artworks are often the result of his fascination by and exploration of the creative design process and the element of unpredictability.

In short: A contextual, conceptual and practical exploration of the design process in which the audience (co-)generates/(co-)produces the artwork.
A bit Longer: I Create, they consume. So old fashioned! After all, this is a time of participating, sharing, connecting.... So why not create artworks together with your audience, involve them in the design process itself? Ever thought about what that could bring about for both the designer and the audience? To put you as a designer in an open and experimental mindset we will first, theoretically, explore a wide range of design processes/methods and pay attention to the role that unpredictability can play in these design practices. In the course of that debate-styled presentation we will focus more and more on the audience generated design process and eventually invite every participant to conceptualize and execute an audience (co-)generated/(co-)produced artwork by using the other participants of the workshop as the audience.
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Felix Sattler researches and develops formats that deal with the “Scenographies of Knowledge” – the common grounds of natural and cultural history. He is a lecturer in Media Arts & Design at the Bauhaus-University Weimar, Germany. Linked to the Scenographies of Knowdlege research, he has offered a range of classes labelled "Inventory & Display" which have spawned the design of alternative archives and an ongoing series of student works called "Musterkoffer" (micro museums in suitcases). In the past years, Felix has curated and/or designed special exhibitions for the Phyletisches Museum Jena (Museum for Evolutionary Biology) and has worked as a consultant to other large-scale exhibition project at Germany's leading museums.

Mnemosyne was the greek mythological figure synonym with memory. The workshop "Mnemosyne - The Picture Altas from Warburg to Google" will be an introduction to the origin and history of image atlases and related strategies and effects of real existing and virtual classification systems. We will review Aby Warburgs famous “Mnemosyne” atlas (124-1929) in as well as works by contemporary artists: Christian Boltanski, Emily Jacir and Walid Raad are just a few out of many who work with picture archives as part of a practice concerned with memory or commemoration. We will also critically look into the latest developments of public digital image archives created by online communitiy users or by social media software using algorithms.
Participants will be able to quickly research, create and exhibit/discuss their own small-scale picture atlas. The goal is to discover both a research tool and an artistic format and surprise ourselves with some unexpected "missing links" in the vast universe of images.
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Yuwei Lin is Lecturer in Future Media in the School of Media, Music and Performance at the University of Salford in the UK.

About the workshop:

"This workshop titled "Open Everything: Theories, Methodologies and Practices" is based on Yuwei's longstanding interests in researching free/open source software communities and participatory cultures (and now the emerging open data movements worldwide). Yuwei will introduce relevant theories and methodologies drawn from the fields of sociology of science and technology, internet research (including virtual ethnography and digital anthropology) for understanding these parallel phenomena. The workshop will also involve practical hands-on sessions, using tools and techniques (may it be software, digital tools, research techniques or more crafty methods) for utilising, re-using, re-mixing, re-purposing, re-thinking, transforming open data and open content. This workshop will contribute to three themes proposed by the International week: 1) "audience change - from viewers to participants"; 2) "producing with audience", and 3) "new trends in mobile communication culture". This workshop will last for 2 days and each day for 3 hours."
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I'm Camille, 2nd year student of the Media Programme at TAMK and the visual designer of Tampere Art Factory 2012. I'm really happy to introduce you to the new blog layout for this year's TAF, and I hope that you'll like it.

Webdesign is not particularly one of my strong points but the challenge was worth the try!  As I set myself high goals, I learnt a lot during the whole process of making the blog's layout. It has not always been effortless, therefore I want to personally thanks Vasia Tolou, who helped me to solve technical problems, that I will still consider as some of the great mysteries of life.

As you might have noticed, the blog is pretty empty right now. No worries, the actual content will arrive soon, the closer we get to the start of the event.

See you in May!
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My name is Emilija Veselova and i will be the person to turn to if there are any questions and any help needed.

In fall 2011 I started the Degree Program in Media as one of the international students to gain knowledge in the field of Audiovisual production and project management. So far there have been a couple of opportunities to try myself as a manager and Tampere Art Factory along with Finland International Improv Festival will be my real-life hands on experiences in Event production.

Starting February, 2012 I will be working as a trainee at Tampere University of Applied sciences a.k.a.TAMK working as a project assistant for the International Week of TAF. Under supervision of Cai Melakoski and Sohvi Sirkesalo, I will carry out external communication, follow the preparation process of workshops and deal with practical arrangements like accommodation, registration forms and recreational activities to ensure that your stay here is pleasant.

If there are any questions, concerns and a need of support please let me know. I will try my best to help you.

Don’t hesitate to contact me.
See you in May!
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